We're here to help

Call us on 0300 303 1191




What is Domestic Abuse?

  • Abusing or controlling behaviour 
  • Abuse can be physical, sexual, financial, mental or emotional 
  • Violence can also be directed towards children, other family members or friends of the victim 
  • Abuse behaviour can occur in any relationship 

Admitting to yourself and others that you are experiencing domestic abuse is very difficult. If you or your family are victims of domestic abuse you may be afraid to ask for help in case it makes things worse, but you don't have to live with this kind of fear. 

Shropshire Domestic Abuse Support for Female Victims 

Shropshire Domestic Abuse Service exists to provide an outreach and a child/young person's service to women and their children whose lives are affected by domestic abuse, to empower them to make decisions for themselves about their own futures. 

We work in partnership with local agencies to enable women and children/young people to regain the strength and confidence to take control of their lives and to have a future without fear. 

Outreach Service 

The service provides:

  • dedicated support either via face to face meetings, telephone, text or email according to need ans individual choice 
  • services in communities through working with other agencies 
  • training and awareness sessions for agencies or individuals 


Our refuge is a safe place, staffed by trained workers who will help you to settle in and begin to plan your future. They will help you to work out your money situation and apply for benefits, support you to meet your children's needs and work with you to help you access permanent housing.

While you're at our refuge, you will be offered support and resettlement advice and practical help. Through meeting other women in similar situations you will begin to form supportive networks that will make it easier for you to settle into your own home when the time comes. 

Our refuge is women-only spaces, although men may sometimes come in to perform essential services e.g. repairing the boiler. 

Dispersed accommodation 

We manage a 10 bed female only refuge and various dispersed shared properties based around the county. The refuge accommodation takes referrals for single women and women with children. 

The dispersed properties can be offered to female and male victims that are single or have children. At NO TIME will the dispersed accommodation be mixed sex. 

Groups for Children

Our partners provide specialist group activities for children and young people that have witnessed domestic abuse. Contact us for more information.


Phone Numbers 

Shropshire Domestic Abuse Service 0300 303 1191
National 24 hour Domestic Abuse HelpLine 0808 2000 247


West Mercia Police 
Shropshire Council 
West Mercia Women's Aid 


If you would like to make a self referral please click on the following link, choosing “Self” as the Agency name and choosing the drop down option of “Self” for the Referred by answer.

Form thumbnail

Please include as much information as possible in ‘Reason for Referral’. This will help us understand your current situation and enable us to offer the most appropriate support.

Please include as much detail as possible about the abuser. Rest assured that we will not be contacting your abuser. It is to enable us to assist with any enquiries in a high risk situation. We are unable to accept referrals without the full name, date of birth, and believed address of the abuser.