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Referral Documents - Download & Print

Referral Forms - Electronic Form

Shropshire MARAC Referral Form


External Agency Referral Form

External Agency Referral ELECTRONIC FORM

RIC with guidance.pdf


Please ensure that when you are referring clients you have completed a DASH RIC and referred any high risk clients to MARAC. Please send us a copy of your completed DASH RIC with your referral. 

Shropshire Domestic Abuse Service online referral form

To refer a client to any Shropshire group for victims/survivors of domestic abuse:

For up to date information on the groups that are currently running, please click here

Shropshire Domestic Abuse provides the following services:

Refuge Accommodation

A 10 bed female only refuge and various dispersed properties based around the county. The refuge accommodation takes referrals for single women and women with children. The dispersed properties can be offered to male victims as well as female and are available for single people or those with children.

Outreach Service

The service provides:

  • Dedicated support either via face to face meetings, telephone, text or email according to need and individual choice
  • Services in communities through working with other agencies
  • Training and awareness sessions for agencies or individuals

Training and Conferences

if you would like to advertise training and conferences on our website, please email us


Domestic Abuse Training Workshops

Delivered in partnership by:

Richmond Fellowship and Shropshire Domestic Abuse Service

A series of free specialist domestic abuse training workshops exclusively to Shropshire professional partners.
Having safe and appropriate conversations with perpetrators about
their abusive behaviour

• How to have safe and appropriate conversations with perpetrators of abuse.
• Working with resistance and reluctance to service engagement.
• Challenging minimisation, denial, and blame to proactively engage and make perpetrators accountable.

Keeping victims and survivors safe
• Best practice in keeping victims and survivors safe when discussing professional concerns relating to domestic abuse.
• How to encourage engagement and not support victim-blaming.

Please email sdas@shropsdas.org.uk  for meeting links:

• Thursday 4th November 2021 - 1:30pm to 4:00pm
• Monday 8th November 2021 - 9:30am to 12:00pm
• Friday 12th November 2021 - 10:00am to 12:30pm
• Tuesday 16th November 2021 - 12:00pm to 2:30pm
• Wednesday 17th November 2021 - 2:30pm to 5:00pm
• Thursday 18th November 2021 - 1:30pm to 4:00pm